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Bavarian Wheat Artisan Ale Grain & Grape Fresh Wort Kit
ArtisanAle Fresh Wort Kit Bavarian Weizen
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These wort kits are made on a Speidel 500L Braumeister Brewery, they are all grain and brewed true to style. They are especially suited to time poor brewers or those who simply want an excellent beer with a minimum of effort.
NOTE: These kits are generally designed to add 3 litres of water to the fermentation to achieve the ideal balance, you may if you wish, not add the extra water for a higher gravity version. Yeast not included.
Pale Wheat/Pilsner grist that produces superb German Wheat beers such as Heffeweizen or Barvarian Weizen. A Belgian Wit can also be made by adding Citrus Peel, Coriander seed and substituting 3944 yeast.
Approximate cube volume: 16.5L.
Starting Gravity: 1.059 undiluted, 1.050 with 3 litres of water added
Bitterness: 19 IBU’s using Northern Brewer hops.
Grist make up: Joe White Pilsner 50% and JW Pale Wheat 50%.
Late hops: None added
No dry hopping suggestions.
Recommended yeasts:
Bluestone Munich, M20 Bavarian Wheat.
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